
Интерактивная выставка «Посмотри в мои глаза. Моя история борьбы с раком»
Look Into My Eyes. My Story of Battling Cancer exhibition
On April 13, the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center is proud to announce the opening of an international exhibition. 45 women - 45 stories. Many of them have defeated the disease, some still struggle with cancer. Each life changed after the diagnosis and had to adjust, but in spite of everything, a woman remains a woman.
06 February 2019
Названы лауреаты Конкурса «Футбол без дискриминации»
The winners of the Football Without Discrimination competition have been announced.
The first All-Russia Competition of artworks announced by the Federal Research and Education Center for Psychology and Tolerance education at the beginning of the year, supported by the ANO Russia-2018 Committee, has ended. The awards ceremony will be held at the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center on March 21.
15 March 2018
Футбол открывает возможности: конкурс для молодых художников
Football opens opportunities: a competition for young artists
In anticipation of the FIFA 2018 World Cup, the Federal Research and Methodology Center for Psychology and Tolerance Education, supported by the Russia-2018 Organizing Committee, announces the launch of the All-Russian Football without Discrimination art competition.
08 February 2018
Федерация еврейских общин России и Центр толерантности запускают совместную антинаркотическую программу
The Federation of Jewish Communities and Tolerance Center are launching a joint anti-drug programme.
The first anti-drug events will be held in February. The main purpose of the project is to gather all possible resources for preventing addictions.
07 February 2018
Центр толерантности представит кинотеатр с образовательными технологиями будущего
The Tolerance Center presents the cinema with educational technologies of the future
Moscow. City of Education interactive space: 40 virtual tours created by MIOO on behalf of the Moscow Department of Education, can be experienced February 21 at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. In addition, participants can learn how to effectively use the proposed content in lessons in any corner of the country.
05 February 2018
Открыта запись на программу «Пять шагов толерантности»
Registration for the Five Steps programme is now open
The Tolerance Center is opening registration for the 5 Steps to Tolerance programme. Moscow schoolchildren and students have a unique opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and launch their social project with the support of the Tolerance Center team.
16 January 2018
 Интерактивная выставка «Беженцы в наших мыслях и сердцах»
Refugees in Our Thoughts and Hearts interactive exhibition

Refugees in Our Thoughts and Hearts, an interactive exhibition, opens in the Jewish Museum and the Tolerance Center

on December 18, the International Migrant Day.

14 December 2017
Центр толерантности получил премию ЮНЕСКО
The Tolerance Center received the UNESCO award
The Tolerance Center received the Madanjeet Singh award for promoting tolerance and non-violence.
16 November 2016