


We offer signature courses for educational institutions and NGOs. The courses are available online.

Our courses address main challenges of contemporary societies:

  • Civic identity and patriotism
  • Xenophobia and youth extremism
  • Tolerance
  • Diversity and positive thinking

Why you should consider our courses?
- They use the latest findings in interactive learning;
- They are absolutely free of charge;
- They are available online - accessible to everyone no matter where you are;
- You can choose a course tailored to your interests and needs in your region, that can be appealing to your students;
- Upon completion you receive a state-approved and recognized certificate;
- Upon completion you get access to all the materials of the course.

Foundations and purpose of our educational activities

Since its foundation the Tolerance Center has developed over 100 programmes for various audiences. They have been sucessfully implemented and are taught in Moscow and 68 other Russian regions.

The Presidential Administration of Russia upgraded the status of the Center granting it the title of The Federal Research and Methodology Center for Psychology and Tolerance Education. The Board of Experts of the Center was established together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation including the most prominent Russian specialists in civic education and multicultural cooperation.

We believe that by helping professionals in acquiring our methods and introducing new practices into the system of extended learning we prevent violence, extremism and conflicts among young people.

Our goal is to secure and maintain free distribution of educational methods throughout Russia.

We offer free online courses for specialists interested in the subject thus building a space for continuous communcation and development of professional community.

By pushing the Register button you do not only acquire new knowledge – you become our associate and contribute to the peaceful cooperation of different mindsets, religions and cultures making it the foundation of the contemporary society.

Contact:, +7(495)645-05-49

Структура курсов обучения

и контрольные точки
Доступ к
методическому пакету
Список программ

«Каждый важен»: интерактивные методы профилактики травли в школе
Интерактивные методы профилактики ксенофобии и экстремизма среди детей и молодежи «Безопасный мир»
Регистрация временно приостановлена
«От сердца к сердцу» — программа о семейных ценностях
Регистрация временно приостановлена
Интерактивные методы формирования гражданской идентичности обучающихся «Я – Россиянин»
Регистрация временно приостановлена
Межкультурная компетентность в поликультурном образовательном пространстве
Регистрация временно приостановлена
Интерактивные методы в педагогике
Регистрация временно приостановлена
Обучение программам Центра толерантности и доступ к методическим материалам предоставляется бесплатно
Как попасть на обучение
Для доступа к программам необходимо пройти регистрацию на сайте. 
Выбрать программу и зарегистрироваться на обучение
Дождаться ответа администрации. После проверки данных вам будет открыт личный кабинет с программами обучения и методическими материалами, станет доступен обмен файлами и сообщениями.