Research advisor of the Psychology and Education subject at the Southern Federal University; head of the Department of Psychophysiology and Clinical Psychology.
Member of the Russian Academy of Education; Vice-President of the Russian Psychological Society; Vice Chairman of the Expert Council, State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles on psychology and education; Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Defence Council D-212.208.04 on presenting dissertations to obtain a PhD; Chairman of the Rostov regional branch of the Federation of Education Psychologists of Russia.
Engaged in academic and research work in the field of psychophysiology: the interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain, psychophysiological mechanisms of higher mental functions, psychophysiological factors of optimizing and functioning concerning collectives and small groups, and psychological and pedagogical problems of education.
Recipient of the Russian Federation Government award in 2010 for Education (for developing a series of papers on tolerance).